Zedd & Rita
Machine Empire


Rita Repulsa
Played By 
  • Soga Machiko (1993 - 1994, 2004-Clip Show)
  • Carla Perez (1994 - 1998, 2004-Clip Show)
  • Barbara Goodson (Voice)
  • Julia Cortez (MMPR:TM)
    Rita Repulsa was released from captivity by two unknowing astronauts. Once released from their space dumpster, Rita and her minions set their sights on Earth. Creating a palace on the moon, Rita commanded one of her servants to begin creation of a clay army called Putties. Another servant, Goldar, was her general and often chief advisor. Rita's weapons include a staff, with is in the shape of a circle, with a red orb enclosed in it. With it, she can fire energy blasts, as well as increase her monsters' size. 
The PalaceClose Up View
    After many failed attempts, the empress finally revealed her secret weapon; a green power coin. With it, she placed a teenager, Tommy Oliver, under her control and kept him that way by presenting him with the Sword of Darkness. Her first order for her Ranger was to take out Zordon, followed by an attack on the Rangers. To further increase her power, Rita called forth her old friend Scorpina. It seemed as though she had finally won, until Alpha was able to restore Zordon's link to the Earth. He, knowing the secret of the Sword of Darkness, was able to over see the Green Ranger's defeat and subsequent betrayal of his empress. Tommy joined the Rangers in the fight, making Rita's blood boil. 
    Some time passed before Rita got her revenge. But eventually, she orchestrated Tommy's temporary downfall. Using a candle formed from magic wax, she drained his powers away to nothing. The two were linked. When the candle burned out, so too did the Green Ranger's powers. This delighted her, but her joy was short lived. Zordon saw to it that Tommy's powers were restored. Though this time, they were on temporary. The candle was, as such, only a partial victory for Rita. 
    With a year gone and the Ranger still alive, the empress soon was forced to face her master. Lord Zedd returned, outraged by her failures. Scorpina vanished and Goldar pledged his loyalty to the emperor, leaving Rita helpless. Zedd took away her powers and though she begged him for another chance, her request was denied. Rita was reduced to the size of a child's toy and imprisoned once again in a space dumpster. Zedd cast her into space in what seemed like her last good-bye. 
Rita's Dumpster
    Though cocky, Zedd hadn't seen the last of Rita. Much time passed and it was once again time for his hundred-year recharge. This was her chance. The pint-sized queen made her way into Zedd's reconstructed version of the palace and called upon Finster for assistance. He returned her to her true form and proceeded to follow her orders. He was truly the woman's only friend, but luckily the only one she needed. Seeing that Lord Zedd was helpless, Rita drugged him. The effects of the drug made his hatred for her vanish and replaced it with blind devotion. He had fallen in love and thanks to the potion, saw his former servant through rose colored glasses. Much to Goldar's displeasure, the two wed in a ceremony of darkness and then set out against the Rangers. Though they defeated the wedding guests, they were too late to stop the sinister marriage. Rita and Zedd were one and proved to be their biggest challenge of that time. 
Rita's Wedding Day
    Not long after the two tied the knot, Rita's brother came to the palace, bringing with him an army of bird-like creatures called Tengas. Zedd considered him an unwelcome guest, but Rita accepted her brother as part of their dysfunctional family. 
    Rita's time locked away hadn't tarnished her evil spirit in the least. She placed yet another teenager from Angel Grove, Katherine, under her spell. She was to be a spy and took the form of a white cat named PC. Zedd wasn't onboard with the plan at first, but soon saw the good in it. Katherine took Kimberly's coin, slowly causing her to lose her powers. But when she watched Kimberly's life hang in the balance, Rita's spell was broken and history seemed to repeat itself. Katherine, liked Tommy, joined the Rangers and infuriated the evil queen. 
    The next member of Rita's family to show up was her father, Master Vile. The made Zedd all the more angry, but again, Rita welcomed her relative. After turning the Earth back in time, Vile returned to his home galaxy, again giving Rita and Zedd control of the moon. Within this time, the two were able to destroy the Rangers coins, leaving them powerless. Their victory, as usual, didn't last long, however. Once the Earth was returned to its true time by the Zeo crystal, the Machine Empire invaded and launched an attack on the lunar palace. Out of options, Rita called on her father for assistance. She used him to find shelter from the robots' rapid fire. 
    After also spending some time in a moble-home, Rita and Zedd had finally had enough. They played the Machine Empire, making them believe they wanted peace. They went on to give a gift to the machine's son, Prince Sprocket. Naturally, said gift was a bomb. It destroyed the empire and left them free to attack the Rangers. Sadly for Rita, she was beat to the punch by the Pirate Queen Divatox. 
    Rita's next appearance was at a meeting of Dark Specter's alliance. She, along with other forces of darkness, had been called into his service. Upon learning not herself, but Astronema, would be leading the fight against the Rangers, Rita was very upset. She and Divatox had blown their chances seconds earlier by going at each other like cats and dogs. 
    Once Dark Specter's master plan had begun to unfold, Rita was left to tend to the Gold Ranger. But all of her years of experience couldn't prepare her for what came next. Zordon committed suicide, with Andros' assistance, in order to save the Earth. And though the wave reduced most of her army to dust, Rita was spared. She and Zedd were set free of Dark Specter and their evil sides destroyed. This gave them a chance at a happy life. In the end, the two of them danced happily off screen, in a very surprising happy ending. 

Interesting Facts: 

  • The character Rita was originally recycled footage of Bandora from Sentai Zyuranger.
  • To cover up the recast in '95, a special 'moon mud' was used to make it appear as though she had gotten a facial to impress Lord Zedd.
  • Rita & Zedd's anniversary is on Valentine's Day, 1995.
  • Rita bares no resemblance to her brother or her father. My theory is that she was either adopted or her mother was humanoid.
  • If you look closly at Rita's palace, the neon sign above the door reads, "Bandora Palace". This is due to her Sentai origin.

- Special Features - 
Image Gallery: Episode pictures of the original Empress of Evil..