Zedd & Rita
Machine Empire


Lord Zedd
Played By 
  • Ed Neal (1994-1998, T:APRM, 2004 Clipshow)
  • Robert Axelrod (Voice) (1994-1998, 2004 Clipshow)
  • Mark Ginther (MMPR:TM)
    Lord Zedd is the emperor of evil and Rita Repulsa's master. He left her in charge eons ago to carry out his orders while he ruled over a darker galaxy. Upon learning of her failures, he returned to the lunar palace to once again regain control. Goldar pledged his allegience to him, forsaking his mistress, and for this, Zedd gave back the wings that Rita had taken away. Scorpina ran from the palace, in fear of the new master. Zedd's next course of action was to strip the fallen empress of her powers and lock her back in the space dumpster from which she came. It was cast out into space, leaving him in full control of her former army. 
Zedd's Palace
    The emperor has many weapons at his disposal. In place of Rita's telescope, Zedd can observe the Rangers' activities by omitting a red beam of light from his visor. He is often seen with a staff, which bares his monogram 'Z'. This can be used to fire energy blasts. To enlarge his monsters to giant form, he throws to interlocked metal bombs toward Earth. Once they detonate, their energy effects the creature. 
Observing EarthThrough Zedd's Eyes
    With Rita gone, Zedd successfully destroyed the Rangers' zords. His attacks on them continued after they atained the power of thunder. He had a deep hatred for Tommy, due to the fact that he was Rita's creation. He wanted to wipe out all memory of her failures and that included the Green Ranger. Zedd was able to destroy the green powers, but only to have Zordon create the White Ranger. 
    Upon the time of his hundred-year recharge, Lord Zedd's life changed forever. Unbeknownst to him, Rita had escaped the space dumpster and used Finster to create a potion capable of forcing the emperor to fall in love with her. Feeding this drug to him over time, the man he used to be was destroyed. He willing married the empress of evil, giving her back her position within the empire. Fortunately, this plan wasn't without its benefits to Zedd. He and Rita together were a stronger force than the Rangers had ever faced. His old life was over, but a new chapter had just begun.
Kissing the Bride
    Shortly after marriage, Zedd was introduced to his brother-in-law, who brought with him Tenga warriors. And as if that weren't bad enough, Rita's father, Master Vile, wasn't far behind. After his arrival, control of the palace was lost and he was forced to watch from the sidelines. The mutant master got the last laugh with his true enemies when he successfully destroyed their power coins. 
    Zedd thought he had won, but soon learned otherwise. He and his army were forced from the palace by the invading Machine Empire. With no time to pack, they were driven into hiding and his worst nightmare became a reality. He would have to swallow his pride and move in with none other than Master Vile! This didn't last and the aliens were sent to a trailer on the moon. It was there that Zedd got his revenge on the machines by destroying them. They all thought they were free to begin their attack on Earth anew, but in fact they were beaten to the punch by the pirate queen, Divatox. 
    Zedd's last mission on the side of evil was to follow Dark Specter. He and his army were to keep the Goldar Ranger busy during the final battle. In the end though, evil lost. Zedd, however, was not destroyed, but set free by the wave released by Zordon. The darkness in his soul was overcome and he regained his life. Looking lovingly at his wife, as if seeing her truly for the first time, he danced into the distance in wedded bliss. 
Interesting Facts: 
  • Zedd was the first lead villain made by Saban, with no Sentai counterpart.
  • The Chamber of Command changes its color along with his mood.
  • His anniversary to Rita is on Valentine's day, 1995.
  • His method for making monsters grow changed after his marriage to the empress.
  • Zedd's mangled appearance is apparently due to an attempt to retrieve the Zeo Crystal. Those were its after-effects.

- Special Features -
Image Gallery: Episode pictures of the Emperor of Evil.